Lightweight, portable easy to store and carry Motorguide electric motors are finest quality products. This has led to MotorGuide’s reputation for strict quality control, excellence, durability and long lasting performance.

Classic hand-controlled performance comes with a choice of 5 speeds forward and 2 speeds reverse, which makes the R3 even more popular in the transom mount Category.

These are available in four variants from Walker Outboards:

  • R3 30 with 30 inch shaft, max amp draw 36 for £ 167.68 inc VAT
  • R3 40 with 36 inch shaft, max amp draw 43 for £ 220.94 inc VAT
  • R3 45 with 36 inch shaft, max amp draw 44 for £ 240.67 inc VAT
  • R3 55 with 36 inch shaft, max amp draw 49 for £ 284.07 inc VAT

Clearly you will need some battery power for your engine, we recommend the Powermax leisure batteries and almost always have a stock available.